1. Installing the Tools

1.1. Installing T2C
1.2. Installing KompoZer
1.3. Installing ReqMarkup

1.1. Installing T2C

The latest stable version of T2C as well as the development versions can be found at Template–to–Code project site at SourceForge.net

On Linux (and on MS Windows with MSYS and MinGW), T2C can be set up as follows.

  1. Unpack the archive with T2C distribution (<version> is the version of T2C, like 2.0.0_final):

    tar xfj t2c-<version>.tar.bz2

    and change current directory to t2c-<version>

  2. Configure the package:


    By default, the package will be configured to install T2C to /usr/local/. If you want to install T2C to some other location (t2c_install_directory), configure the package as follows:

    ./configure --prefix <t2c_install_directory>
  3. If configuration process has completed successfully, you can now build T2C:


    and then install it with

    make install

    You may need to execute the last command as root user if your current user does not have appropriate permissions on the installation directory.

T2C file generator (t2c) should now be installed to <prefix>/bin, default templates and T2C API libraries – to <prefix>/share/t2c, man page – to <prefix>/share/man.

As it was mentioned above, the prefix is /usr/local by default and can be changed using ––prefix option of configure.

If you later want to uninstall T2C, execute

make uninstall

To see a short summary of command line options of t2c, execute

t2c --help

1.2. Installing KompoZer

  1. Download appropriate KompoZer distribution for your operating system from http://kompozer.net.

    For Linux, it is usually a .tar.gz archive. For some Linux distros, RPM packages are also available.


    Please note: the authors of KompoZer warned that KompoZer 0.7.x may crash on Linux with GTK+ 2.14 or newer, that is, on many modern Linux distributions. You should use KompoZer 0.8.x or newer there instead.

  2. Unpack the archive to the directory you want KompoZer to be installed to. After that, you can find kompozer script in kompozer/ subdirectory of that directory. Now you can execute that script to launch KompoZer.

  3. When ReqMarkup plugin is installed, among other things, it adds several buttons to the toolbar in KompoZer window. The toolbar is sometimes not wide enough to provide space for all necessary buttons, so it can be helpful to remove some buttons and/or separators from there.

    You can customize the set of buttons placed on the toolbar and adjust their position by right-clicking the toolbar and selecting Customize toolbar. Then you can, for example, remove the buttons you do not need from the toolbar.

1.3. Installing ReqMarkup

  1. Download ReqMarkup plugin for KompoZer from http://ispras.linux-foundation.org/index.php/Req_Markup_Releases.

    The archive (reqmarkup-<version>.tgz, for example reqmarkup-1.0.1b4.tgz) contains two main components:

    • the plugin itself: reqmarkup-<version>.xpi;

    • reqtools.js (see reqtools_for_browser/ subdirectory) – this script provides a set of utilities helpful when viewing the documentation with marked up requirements in a web browser (works with Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer, may not work in other browsers though).

  2. Install ReqMarkup plugin. To do this, start KompoZer, select Tools, Add-ons in the main menu. Ensure that Extensions is selected, press Install…, select reqmarkup-<version>.xpi in the appeared dialog and press Open. KompoZer may complain that the extension is unsigned, that is OK for now. Press Install now button when it is finally enabled (usually in 2 or 3 seconds). You will be asked to restart KompoZer to complete the installation process.

  3. After KompoZer is restarted, please check if the following buttons have appeared on its toolbar: Assign REQ…, Show Template, Highlight REQ, Remove Markup, Catalogue of Reqs, Defines.

You should now be able to mark up the requirements in the documents in HTML format in KompoZer. There can be a small problem though. ReqMarkup uses Ctrl+R keyboard shortcut for Assign REQ command but this shortcut is reserved for Revert command by KompoZer. Unfortunately, KompoZer (as of version 0.8 beta1) provides no visible means to reassign keyboard shortcuts via its GUI.


This concerns keyboard shortcuts only, Assign REQ button on the toolbar and the command in the context menu should work.

If you would like to use Ctrl+R for Assign REQ command anyway, you could do the following.

  1. Find comm.jar file in kompozer/chrome/ subdirectory. It is in fact a zip archive. Unpack it to some temporary location, say, ~/temp.

  2. Open ~/temp/content/editor/editor.xul in a text editor. Find the following text (the number of spaces between its parts may differ):

    <key id="revertkb"            key="&filerevert.keybinding;" 
        observes="cmd_revert"     modifiers="accel"/>
  3. Replace modifiers="accel" with modifiers="accel,shift" (thus Revert command will be assigned Shift+Ctrl+R shortcut key)

  4. Replace editor.xul in the archive with this modified version. Replace the original comm.jar with the repacked archive.

  5. Now that Ctrl+R is not assigned by KompoZer itself, ReqMarkup will automatically associate Assign REQ command with it.